Counting and Cardinality FREEBIES

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I am thrilled to be sharing this huge Counting and Cardinality Unit with you! 

This is the math unit we start the year with in kindergarten.

The kids love all of the hands-on activities we get to do, and I love how easy it is to keep them engaged.

Try a few FREEBIES right here on this blog post. We are learning about 1:1 correspondence, numbers 1-20, using number lines and ten frames, more than/less than and so much more.

This entire unit is aligned to the common core math standards as well as almost all state standards.


I have been working on updating my comprehensive math units for over a year!

I am so excited to share that my Counting and Cardinality Unit is now ready for you with so many new activities including:

  • Digital Google Slides

  • Additional worksheets

  • New games + centers

  • … and updated graphics!

This comprehensive, standards-based kindergarten math unit also comes with prep/post assessments, checklists and more!

  • All the planning and prep work are done for you!


This math unit now has over 600+ printable, engaging activities:



“Learning seems to be more like a game with these worksheets, than school work. Very fun to use.”

“This bundle is amazing and is so helpful to make sure each standard is mastered!”

“Absolutely brilliant resource. I'm so excited to start using it.”


“This is going to make things so much more easier and organized . This is a wonderful product. Thanks so much for making it.”

“This. Is. Amazing!!! Thank you!!”

I break down our year-long kindergarten math standards into five main units.

Right now, we are tackling COUNTING & CARDINALITY.

I did my best to organize this unit as I do all my math units,

so it is easy for you to implement and use.  

I actually teach it a little differently than some teachers.  

I focus on numbers 0-10 in the fall and then come back in late January to teach the teen numbers through 20.

This unit is set up so you can do this, or if you prefer to tackle 0-20 all at once it is up to you!

I keep my math units in three-ring binders.  

I use page protectors to keep my lessons and black lines organized – no more filing cabinets to dig through!  


I love this because it keeps my papers nice and smooth, and it is so easy to flip through and see what I have to grab exactly what I need.

I start each unit by sending home standard checklists to parents so they know what their student will be learning.  

I also keep a color version in my Counting & Cardinality Unit binder as an easy visual reminder for me as I am writing my weekly lesson plans.


I include this exact same checklist (with just a slightly different header) to send home after the unit is complete so parents know the standards their child mastered, and what they still need to work on.

This way parents stay involved and aware with what we are doing in math.

 You can even make a copy of the child's pre/post test that correlate with the standards checklists.  

There are no surprises at report card time and I love writing little notes about every child's improvement - big or small!


This assessment is a FREEBIE (at the end of this blogpost).


The pre/post tests are pretty much exactly the same, but the numbers, pictures, etc. are different.  

This will give you accurate data for growth.

We are mandated to give pre and post tests for our math units so we can chart progress.  

These tests cover all the standards in the unit and two versions are also included if you choose to "split" the unit and do numbers 1-10 separately.  

Both version are included for your convenience.



When I teach my students how to count, I always have students put their counting bears (or whatever objects they're using) in a line.

If they don’t line the objects up, their bears are in a big pile and students forget which ones they have counted and they end up confused.  

Having objects in a linear fashion also helps with left to right progression.

free kindergarten math worksheets

I've it broken the worksheets down into numbers 1-3 to start and then 4-6, 7-9, etc.

These worksheets are a perfect reinforcement of what we are practicing during our lessons.  

To start, I have students point to 1 object and say one number.  

Then they pick up their "magic counting finger" and point to the next object and say the next number.


Practice showing numerals on ten frames and number lines.

free kindergarten math worksheets activities centers numbers 1-20 counting tracing writing numbers pre-k

We also love making mini books to practice so many skills with counting and cardinality.

I created these adorable emergent readers in 2025 for numbers 1-20.

They are all included in this math unit, or they can be purchased separately!

These mini books follow the same pattern, so once children have the hang of them, they can easily be moved to an independent math center. They also practice sight words and basic reading skills!

My number books are included in my Counting & Cardinality Unit HERE or can be purchased separately HERE


If you use the mini math books in a center, these colorful posters make perfect anchor charts of students.

I just added these NEW posters to this unit in March 2025:

free kindergarten posters math posters numbers freebie download pre-k preschool transitional kindergarten

My anchor charts for numbers 1-10 are a FREE download!

Posters for numbers 1-20 are included in my comprehensive unit HERE



CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.6  Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.1

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.7  Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals.

This gum ball more/less activity is a freebie at the bottom of this blog post.


We start with K.CC.C.6 - telling whether the number of objects is more than/less than.

The gum ball, flower baskets and lady bug worksheets simply have student count the objects and color which one has more.  

The number line at the bottom helps them see which quantity is larger, or more.


Once we do these three worksheets, we can move on to having them count the objects and then write the number below in the box.

The bumble bee, butterfly and apple tree worksheets have students do this extra step of writing the number in the boxes.  

Again, the number line at the bottom helps them see which quantity is larger, or more.


Finally, students can do the worksheet where they can just look at the numerals and decide whether to circle < or >

more than less than pictures worksheets printables poster book kindergarten math unit freebie

I added so many additional printables and worksheets in March 2025 to practice these key standards!


The More or Less mini book is such a fun way to practice both math and literacy skills.

I organized the entire unit so it is easy to see which pages to print for each math standards included in this unit.

One more, one less is also a tricky concept for students to master.  

Once they really grasp the terms more and less, I can move on to this standard of one more, one less.  


By now my students are familiar with number lines and know how to use them as a reference tool.

There are cut and paste as well as fill in the blank worksheets.


I scaffold the more than/less than worksheets for my students.  This is a trickier concept for them to understand!


Next, we move on to counting on, or K.CC.A.2 Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).

Sometimes we do these as partners, and I break these worksheets into numbers 0-10 and teen numbers.


We do a lot of fun skip counting activities in class, and these worksheets are great reinforcement.  

Counting by 5s is not a kindergarten CCSS standard, but it is included to use if you wish.

I added engaging digital slides to practice all of these skills too!

One more/one less and skip counting by 5s and 10s both have embedded songs and moveable pieces.


Lastly, the worksheets cover writing numbers 1-20.  

I scaffold this with a few different options, but this is also a great check to see where your kids are at.


I don't generally just use worksheets as a lesson; however they are wonderful to use as reinforcement after an activity, for small groups, homework, etc.


It is so important that students learn to write numbers with correct directionality.

I explain more about this with my handwriting unit HERE



Do you use interactive math journals?

They are a lot of work to set up, and then to train your students what you expect and to get going, but then they are awesome!


This bundle comes with tons of journal prompts and activities for the entire unit.

If you prefer not to use journals, these printables can also just be used as self-starters, exit slips or worksheets.




Simply choose which activities work best for your students.

These centers can take you through the entire school year!

I often use centers to practice numbers 1-10 for the first half of kindergarten, and then we use the activities to practice numbers 11-20 for the second half of the year.


How fun are these math centers for students to practice the standards in a fun, hands-on way?!

Most use materials you already have in your classroom - locking cubes, color poms or beads, clay or play dough, dry erase markers, dice, etc.

I added even more centers with my 2025 updates (not all are shown here on my blog post yet).

unifix cube math activity free
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more or less game kindergarten
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base ten blocks
math centers

I created so many fun activities and games for you students to practice the counting and cardinality standards.

These also work great for morning work tubs or small groups.  

We play some of the game with our "big kid" buddies and the kids have a blast while practicing the standards.

Shown below are my newly updated centers.

When you purchase and download the unit, you’ll have access to BOTH my 2018 and my 2025 unit updates.



free kindergarten math worksheets

Ready to get started teaching numbers, counting, and so much more?

There are over 600 pages or worksheets, journals, tests, checklists and centers in this unit!

All the prep work is done for you!



“This is an excellent practice for students with counting and cardinality. There are pretests/posttests, worksheets, and center station activities. I have purchased two of the units so far, and I plan to get the rest. You can't beat the price.”

“This is an amazing resource thank you!”

“These kinder-friendly worksheets are excellent to assess the standards! The pre/post tests for each section!! The graphics are cute and appropriate. I love the frog to "hop" on the number lines. Thank you for creating and sharing!”

“This has helped me so much when it comes to planning my math. Definite has made my lesson a lot easier.”

“I am so excited to have all these resources available. It will make it easier to show parents what skills we are working on, pretest and post tests will be great assessment tools and having it all in one bundle takes a lot of stress off my shoulders.”





“Learning seems to be more like a game with these worksheets, than school work. Very fun to use.”

“This bundle is amazing and is so helpful to make sure each standard is mastered!”

“Absolutely brilliant resource. I'm so excited to start using it.”

“This is going to make things so much more easier and organized . This is a wonderful product. Thanks so much for making it.”

“This. Is. Amazing!!! Thank you!!”


There are 5 Kindergarten Common Core Math Domains.  

Included in these units are everything you need to teach the standards throughout your school year!