Welcome to the homeschool corner of my blog!
I created this NEW homeschooling page in June 2024.
I will be sharing all of my homeschooling ideas, resources, videos and blog posts with you!
Check back soon as there are many updates that I will be able to publish over the next few weeks.
I found Classical Conversations over four years ago when we unexpectedly started our homeschooling journey.
I soon fell in love with the Classical Trivium: Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric.
My children have thrived using this model, and they have learned so much using this Classical approach.
My first four blog posts shown below have activities, pictures, book ideas, videos and free resources.
Click the photos below to learn more on my blog!
For the past four years, I have been researching and creating resources to teach my own children at home.
I have spent hundreds of hours reading, watching videos and learning how to provide a classical education for my kiddos.
Now, I am sharing everything I have learned and created with you!
Or CLICK HERE to shop my brand new ETSY HOMESCHOOL store.
I hope this saves you time, lessens your stress load and provides engaging activities for you and your kiddos!
My name is Michala, and I am a former kindergarten - 5th grade public school teacher.
I started this blog as a way to share activities and ideas with other educators while I was still teaching kindergarten in the classroom.
Over the years, my blog has focused on preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade.
In the Spring of 2024, I decided to shift to shift my focus as my life has changed over the past few years.
In 2020, we unexpectedly began our homeschool journey.
Now, after four years of teaching my kiddos at home, I have decided to share with others what I have learned as a homeschool mama.
I first began sharing my resources with other teachers and educators over 8 years ago.
My curricula and activities have become some of the best-selling resources for kindergarten on TpT.
Never in a million years would I have guessed my little blog would grow to teach thousands of classroom teachers and children.
Then in 2020, things shifted unexpectedly for everyone.
I have always believed that whether you teach in the classroom or at home…
Homeschooling has its challenges for sure.
I won’t lie… there have been homeschooling days that have left me in tears.
However, the transformation I have seen over the past four years in my kiddos and our family unit is more incredible than I ever could have imagined in so many ways.
This quote from Harold B. Lee has stuck with me for years.
There is truly nothing more important than raising my children:
to give them a strong, family oriented foundation
build their character
grow their faith
develop meaningful relationships
teach them how to think using a classical approach
and prepare them for real life!